Lecture 3.6 - Childs Pose (Balasana)
Today we're going to practice Childs Pose!
Benefits of Childs Pose:
1. Relaxes the front body muscles
2. Stretches the hips, hamstrings and ankles
3. Relaxes the shoulders and nervous system
Yoga Props to Have Ready:
- Yoga Mat
- Yoga Block
- Yoga Bolster (or Pillows from your room are just fine)
Steps to Practice:
1. Start in Easy Pose (cross-legged seat)
2. Take 5 deep and slow Ujayi breaths (Remember this in Module 0? Definitely re-visit this module as many times as you can. The more you practice, the more it will become second-nature.)
3. Walk the hands forward, uncross the legs, bring the big toes together
4. Widen the knees to the outer edges of your mat. This allows your torso to relax towards the ground. (I will show you in another course when it's really nice to practice this with the knees together.)
5. Relax the head down.
If your glutes can't touch your heels right now:
Place one or two of those pillows between your hamstrings and caves. This allows your glutes to feel something firm and cushiony to relax on
If your head can't rest on the mat right now:
Place a block or a pillow/bolster under your forehead. It's best that you don't strain your neck just trying to suspend the head off the ground
Duration in Posture:
5 breaths - 10 minutes